Thinking together for better mental health
"Umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu"
I am because you are.
People are people because of other people.
“By the crowd they have been broken; by the crowd they shall be healed”
As an experienced Psychotherapist and Group Analyst, I am passionate about collaborative thinking in both individual and group contexts. Together, we explore what approach - individual or group - will be most effective and suitable for you. I firmly believe in the collective nature of our experiences, always considering the social context even during individual therapy sessions.
In the group, we work to strengthen both the individual and the group, resulting in a better integration of the individual with their social network.
My work experience include 20 years of working in Mental health in private and public hospital and other settings, as well as private practice. I started my career in the UK where I worked as an Occupational Therapist and was introduced to Group Analysis in London. I continued my Group Analytic studies when I returned to South Africa and was able to learn about the capacity that groups offer in a rich and diverse environment. This has shaped my believe in and passion for the variety of experiences that groups offer.
I have been involved in training of group psychotherapists, support and community workers and others interested in group work and provide supervision both for individuals and groups - using the group as a medium to inform our understanding of the work.
When working together, I would invite you to bring thoughts, feelings, dreams and wonderings. Therapy is a process of growth and self-discovery, and you can expect to be listened to in a confidential and supportive environment.
You can make contact for an appointment with or without a referral and sessions are 55 min in duration.
We will meet at the same time and place on an individual basis to explore and think together. If we decide that joining a therapy group would be appropriate and helpful, we will spend a few sessions to do group preparation before joining the group.
Group Analysis or Group Analytic psychotherapy is a type of group therapy, where a number of people will meet with a professional for therapy. Unlike many other group settings, these groups do not focus on specific topics or skills. Instead, they provide an opportunity for members to explore their relationship to themselves, others, and the world they live in. This context aims for deeper lasting change, rather than symptom relieve through coping strategies. These therapy groups are often long term and may have a diverse membership.
The group forms a microcosm that reflects the wider society. Through feedback and exploration, participants gain deeper understanding of dynamics and patterns that evolve.
The group also takes a curious stance to make meaning and create understanding of that which is unconscious and enters the space on an individual as well as a collective level. Members are supported through shared experience and joint exploration within the group, in coming to a healthier understanding of their personal situations.
Research suggest that group therapy is at least as effective as individual therapy. Additionally, it has the added benefit of being much more cost-effective.
In Person and/or Online
Deeper lasting change
Individual and Group Work
In Person and Online sessions available
Sessions by appointment - Mon-Fri
55 min Individual session $145
90 min Group session $75
*Medicare rebates available with Mental Health treatment plan.